Saturday, January 16, 2010


I realize I haven't written a Matthew-ism for a while. I'm not sure if it's because I'm lazy or if he's just growing up, but I suppose it's a little bit of both. Yesterday, though, he had one I had to share...

We were driving up 21st Street and came to the stop light near Taco Time and the shopping center. A guy was standing on the corner with a sign. Matt said, "Mommy, stop and give him money!" I looked over and the guy was carrying a Jiffy Lube sign advertising a special for oil changes.

"He's working, Matt. That's his job."

"Yeah," he said, "He's trying to make money. So give him some!"

I know he was remembering the smattering of people who sit at the entrance to Walmart, hoping for some spare change. I didn't bother to correct him.

I hope he keeps that genuine concern for others into adulthood. We should all be so concerned.

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