Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bunny Love

Today is Easter. Last night, when I was tucking Matt in, he said, "Mom, I know you are tricking me. Dad told me to 'SLEEP IN' tomorrow, and here you are closing the blinds. I know what you are doing."

Matt was up at 6 a.m. and the Easter bunny was sleeping soundly in her warm bed. He tromped through the house, woke everyone up, and decided that the Easter bunny had missed our house this year. Nothing outside. Nothing. He had checked.

I grumbled and rolled out of bed. "I'm sure he's just behind."

Ryan found a chore that he and Matt just had to do before breakfast, and off they went. (Of course, just as they left, Emily jumped up--I sent her back to bed with a conspirator's wink and she did a quick about-face. If you want candy, you gotta play along.) I hopped around like a good Easter bunny and got things ready so that, by the time they got back, voila, the eggs were all hidden and the baskets were waiting. Problem solved.

It was perfect, as usual. Matt charged around, crazy with excitement, while Em followed and picked up the eggs he had dashed past. It's a comedy every year.

And after almost a decade of mistakes, I've learned the real prize-winners in the Easter baskets. Bubbles. Music. Gumballs. Simple really is better.

And now here we sit, waiting for relatives to arrive, and I can't help but think about the miracle of children's minds . I so admire their ability to suspend their disbelief, to suspend logic, and to let their love of the moment overpower doubt and suspicion.

Just let it be. And it will be wonderful.

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