Monday, December 31, 2012


It's hard to believe it has been a year since I've been here. Typically, I associate these feelings of guilt with people--I haven't called like I said I would, I didn't follow up with something I really should have...but a blog? Really? Psshhh. Give myself a break.

How is it that we let life get so busy that we don't have time to do the things we like most? And one day you wake up and think, "It's time to retire!" And possibly, the next day, you die because, well, all of that procrastination has taken its toll. Geesh, scary story. I'm done procrastinating.

I freekin' hate New Year's resolutions. I think they foster the mentality of "why do today what you can put off until New Year's?" Or even longer if you wait until the true resolution date (after the superbowl). But I'm going to put aside all of that hatred and make a resolution...I'm going to blog. Often.

Watch out world. I'm back.

Here's what you missed in 2012...

I used my children as an excuse to swim with the dolphins in Cozumel. Amazing experience, even with all of the commercialism that comes along with it. We also got to swim with a manatee. Those lettuce eating mammals weigh as much as 1300 pounds. I couldn't stop thinking about how much lettuce I would have to eat to weigh 1300 pounds..

We took our first cruise. It was fantastic--so much so that we are headed back out next month. Without the kids and the in-laws this time.
Took the kiddos scuba diving for the very first time...
Checked in on our friend, Harry Potter...
Sifted through thousands of my husband's family photographs...
And spent time with my best friend; working or playing, we are the perfect team.

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